Monday, January 6, 2020

Satire About Anorexia Essay - 611 Words

Satire Local Anorexic Still Way Too Fat Staten Island, New York- Despite years of intense dieting and vigorous exercise, local anorexic Lucy Fernandez is still excessively fat. Reported Monday to the Staten Island Advance, Fernandez who stands five feet and weighs approximately ninety pounds is still overweight and needs to lose a few pounds. â€Å"I cannot believe how gross I look,† said the corpulent Fernandez, examining herself in a full-length bathroom mirror. â€Å"I am such a whale.† Pinching her bulky, misshapen body, Fernandez expressed frustration with her inability to transform herself into a reasonably svelte person. â€Å"I eat celery, I drink only water or diet coke, I do three hours on the Stairmaster everyday,† she said. â€Å"But despite†¦show more content†¦Other family members, as well as Fernandez’s friends and doctors, also entreat her to eat because they want her to be fat, repulsive and unliked. â€Å"Losing weight is hard enough: you faint, you vomit, you stop menstruating but it’s even harder when you do not have the support of the people around you,† she said. â€Å"Even when I did lose twenty five pounds, my friends were so jealous, telling me I looked terrible. My mom is the worst of all. She’s just afraid that if I am thin and beautiful, it will make her look bad.† Fernandez is sick of her mom, therapist, the paramedics, and doctors trying to control her. â€Å"They do not have to live in this horrible body, I do.† When she began dieting three years ago, Fernandez estimated that she would need to lose ten pounds to be able to show her body in public. That estimate has proven wrong, as, to date, she has lost thirty-five pounds and is still obese. She wants to lose five more pounds this way when she looks in the mirror she will not have to get the urge to throw up. Determined to achieve her goal of being normal looking, Fernandez has stepped up her diet and exercise regimen in recent weeks. In addition to reducing her rice cake intake to two a day, she has eliminated all high calorie foods from her diet, including microwave popcorn, frozen yogurt and salad withShow MoreRelatedHeinrich Hoffman History1387 Words   |  6 Pageslanguages including English by Anni Lee Furness and Mark Twain (Thome, Jacob). He went on to publish his poetry, several children’s books, satire and humor, and works on medicine. Dr. Hoffman, using his patients as examples, wanted to caution parents and children about what naughty behavior was and the possible consequences of it. Little did he know he was writing about real disorders seen in children and adults, â€Å"Interestingly, the short stories deal with several subjects still relevant in child andRead MoreAnalysis Of Kurt Vonnegut s Harrison Bergeron 2407 Words   |  10 Pagesfuture. In a short story by Kurt Vonnegut we will encounter these problems in an exaggerated futuristic world. Vonnegut’s satire invites us to think, first and foremost, about the implications of the pursuit of equality in relation to the American creed. But the way of life he depicts also invites us to think anew about the meaning and importance of the â€Å"American Dream,† and about whether technology helps or hinders the American character and our prospects for happiness. This paper will explore theRead MoreDove - Brand Value3926 Words   |  16 Pagesbecau se the idea behind the campaign opens up conversations about self-esteem in general. The campaign generated a multitude of discussions on the internet about topics like anorexia, body image and race. Question 4 The first of Dove’s advertising as a part of â€Å"The Campaign for Real Beauty† were its â€Å"Tick-Box† advertisements. These were very creative billboards designed to incorporate the opinions of the consumers about the product, but also about the campaign itself. The ads caught the attention of

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